Yeming_Ni.jpg Credit: My nephew Bread.

Yeming Ni

I am a first-year master student at Insititute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (ICT, CAS), advised by Prof. Huawei Li and Prof. Shengwen Liang. Previously, I obtained my Bachelor's degree form Hefei University of Technology, majoring in computer science.

I am interested in ML4Sys and Sys4ML. The theme of my current research is to explore what LLMs (GPT, Claude, etc.) can do in computer architecture.

One exciting project is kicking off. Stay stuned!


I haven't published a single paper so far. The following content is just an example. Here, I apologize to the authors of the paper I used.


Cognitive SSD: A Deep Learning Engine for In-Storage Data Retrieval

Shengwen Liang, Ying Wang, Youyou Lu, Zhe Yang, Huawei Li and Xiaowei Li.

USENIX Annual Technical Conference, ATC, 2019.

 Abstract |  Paper |  Slides |  Talk |  Code |  Bibtex



Integrated design of system hardware

Teaching Assistant, Fall 2023 @ HFUT.

Delivered tutorials on 5-stage RISC (based on RISC-V, MIPS or ARM ISA) CPU design and assisted in solving technical issues for the 150+ student class.

Awards & Honors


Address Phone Email
No. 6, South Road of Zhongguancun, Haidian District, Beijing. (+86) 136-3709-9336 or